
Weekly health update.

So this week has been semi eventful and I’ll just dive straight in.

Monday, I went to the ENT doctor, who is honestly probably one of my favorite physicians I’ve seen. I saw her back in March because I thought I was having repeat sinus infections, turns out, it was most likely my insane blood sugar issues that were giving me symptoms like a sinus infection. The body is a crazy thing. But Monday, I went to go see the ENT because I’ve been having this ear crackling and pain in my left ear for awhile and it just won’t go away. I saw my PCP for it and she said it wasn’t an ear infection but to try (1) Zyrtec, which didn’t help, and (2) to get a bite guard for when I sleep because it could be from me grinding my teeth while I sleep. The bite guard has overall helped my jaw pain but did not help the ear issue. So the ENT on Monday started off just by asking how I’ve been and commented on the fact that I was walking, because last time I saw her I was in a wheelchair, and I just love that she actually cared so much because you’d be surprised how many doctors I’ve encountered who honestly don’t give a fuck. Then she did an exam and said that I could have something called Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD). So she referred me to a neurosurgeon who specializes in ear stuff like this, that would require a surgery.

To be honest, this SSCD was something that I had also found online and thought could be going on with me because some of the symptoms are dizziness, fatigue, ear pain, etc. which I have all of those. It can be something that exists from birth or can happen after a traumatic event like a concussion. I don’t want to get too excited yet, but I am hopeful and really looking forward to this appointment with the neurosurgeon. They are going to do a hearing test and a few other exams, which is how they diagnose SSCD and if I have it, then we move forward with a treatment plan.

Now I know in my heart of hearts that I have more going on than SSCD, but if I can get any sort of diagnosis and then treatment that would help some of my symptoms I’d be a happy gal. So that appointment will be in August and I’ll keep y’all posted.

Next up, I finally got the second round of Xifaxan for my diarrhea / constipation issues and started taking taking that last night. And man… this is one strong antibiotic. I know it’s working because it has knocked me on my ass today. Which is good but all I have to say is that it’s going to be a rough 2 weeks for me, but 1000% worth.

However, while working through getting this gastro stuff in order… I decided to ask my gastroenterologist about my test results of the anorectal manometry because it’s been 3 weeks since that horrible exam and no word. Well, after making a few phone calls, as per usual, a nurse finally called me back and let me know that I have dyssynergic defecation. Which basically means that the muscles and nerves in the pelvic floor fail to coordinate correctly to have a bowel movement. That does slightly explain the constipation that I have been having, but I know that something else is going on so I can’t wait until I can get the MR enterography and the MRI with defecography. Those should be telling. However, in the meantime I was referred to physical therapy for the pelvic floor issue and I will go to that even if it’s to prove that it doesn’t work. Which I know… not the most positive thinking but that’s just where I am currently at.

I’m just really looking forward to August. I have a ton of really important appointments and also I am one month closer to the Cleveland Clinic visit in September.

However, one negative from all of this, work related, is because I cannot work in person, I now have to go through ADA for an accommodation. This is not where I want to be in life and also just really vulnerable because I pride myself on my work ethic, but I just hope that this process goes smoothly and that I don’t have to put up a fight.

Man, having health issues, is exhausting and not for the faint of heart. Not that I really have a choice in this matter, but I do think some people might not try so hard to get things figured out but I’m young and on a mission to at least get some quality of life back and continue to enjoy my life.

(Picture from Todos Santos, Baja California, Mexico.)