Weekly health update.
So this week, I didn’t really have too much scheduled but that doesn’t matter because I wasn’t able to go to any of it anyways.
I thought I was finally getting better from the hell my intestines / colon put me through last week, but nope. On Monday, I started to get the shakes again. Same as Tuesday, I woke up and had some diarrhea, which isn’t uncommon for me, but after that I started just shaking. From my intestines up my head to my arms and hands. I ended up having to cancel my pelvic floor physical therapy that day and just told them to cancel my Thursday appointment as well, since I wasn’t sure when I’d be okay again. I then messaged my colorectal doctor and told her what was happening. I told her I’d try the valium suppositories but if those didn’t work, I was pretty freaked out. Mostly because I was having so many tremors and also was having a hard time eating / focusing. She told me that my GI doctor and her included were intrigued for me to go to the endometriosis specialist in about a week and that she would also have me see a colorectal surgeon for my issues.
My GI doctor tried to put me on an anti-anxiety medication with serotonin in it, which I know can help with intestinal issues. But (1) I don’t want that because I hate being on psychiatric medication and (2) I was on a medication back in December / January time with serotonin in it and it didn’t do shit. So I told her no, that I would not be taking the medication she recommended.
I honestly just think that the issues lie within my colon. I think this because all issues seem to stem from my inability to pass gas or have a BM. I know this is maybe gross or graphic for some, but I genuinely believe at this point that my dyssynergic defecation is causing my gut dysautonomia. Because when my gut is not as upset, I have less horrible symptoms and when my gut is upset, I’m dizzy, out of it, etc.
I also genuinely feel like there can be no way to fix my colon. Like she is fucked up. I just don’t think after all of these years of issues, that it can be fixed. I think the muscles and nerves are beyond repair at this point. But I don’t want to go too far down that road just yet, I will meet with the colorectal surgeon and see what they have to say and then go from there. But I NEED something to change. I can’t keep living a half life like this. It’s miserable. I am miserable. I just want to be able to go out to eat without worry that my colon is going to act up. I want to be able to enjoy life again.
So I will say, by the end of the week, the tremors and shakes improved but I’m still really freaked out and scared about what will happen next. I considered going to the ER multiple times over this past week. However, I figured they wouldn’t be able to do much beyond giving me fluids and then sending me on my way back home. So I’ll update you all next week with hopefully more news.
(Picture is from Lake Beulah, East Troy, WI, USA.)