
Two week health update.

So let’s just go by dates this week, since so much has happened.

08-26-2024 I went to get a MRI with defecography. I had to fast for 8 hours before hand, so when I got to the hospital, I was starting to become hypoglycemic and needed them to give me some apple juice and crackers. Then I got into a gown and was brought to the MRI room where they had to put two tubes worth of gel up my rear end. That was super fun. Not. Then during the MRI I was told to either relax, bear down, or then try to push the gel out. I will say even though it sounds pretty horrible, it wasn’t too bad and was definitely not as bad as the MR enterography.

08-28-2024 I had a virtual appointment with my OBGYN. I told her that I’ve been having horribly painful periods and that my GI system has been worse when I am on my period too. After chatting with her for awhile, she told me she thinks I have endometriosis. She offered me the mini pill or something called Oriissa (which basically puts your body into a fake menopause). I turned down both of those and just opted for some strong pain medication. She also referred me to the pelvic floor pain specialists for the end of October who specializes in endometriosis and can recommend me getting a laproscopy, which is the only way to actually see if a person has endometriosis. I am definitely going to push for that because I’m nervous that if I do have endo, it has now spread to my intestines and bladder.

08-28-2024 later that day … I went to the ENT surgeon. He did some testing and looked around my ear and asked me my symptoms, where he then said I probably have superior semi-circular dehiscence (SSCD). I am going to be getting a few more tests to confirm this and then will follow up with him in October for the results and next steps.

09-04-2024 I met with the colorectal surgeon. She informed me that they found a few things on my latest MRI. (1) small anterior rectocele, (2) a tear in my puborectalis muscle, (3) pelvic floor dyssynergia, and (4) 3 sacral Tarlov cysts. This was HUGE. Then she did a rectal exam which was super painful and told me that I need to do at least 1 to 2 rounds of pelvic floor physical therapy and then we’d assess where things are at after that. She isn’t exactly sure how I got a freaking tear in my muscle but said it could be from constipation / straining. And as for the Tarlov cysts in my spine, she spoke with neurology and they don’t really do anything for them unless they are symptomatic (which they are), then they will send someone to a pelvic pain specialist (whom I already am seeing for endo in October). She also prescribed me steroid suppositories because she saw a ton of inflammation in my rectum when she looked. Not sure where that is coming from. I also was having an active spasm in my rectum at the time and the surgeon was literally able to touch it and be like this is in active spasm right now.

09-04-2024 later that day … went to the derm to get my foot wart frozen off and also to be informed that I have a little rash on my face that is a yeast build up. Luckily I can just put cream on that for a few weeks and it’ll go away.

So … as you all can see … it’s been an exciting 2 weeks. I am grateful to finally have some answers to things and explanations to stuff but that doesn’t mean I am any closer to the end of this journey. If anything, now that I am know some things, I have a large road ahead of figuring out next steps for each item.

I feel exhausted and a little bit overwhelmed. I am taking life day by day for the time being and hoping to get even more answers and help in the next few months.

Okay, signing off for now.

(Picture is from Lake Beulah, East Troy, WI, USA.)